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/ MacWorld 1998 January / Macworld (1998-01).dmg / Serious Demos / Visual MacStandardBasic Demo / Visual MSB Reference / Visual MSB Reference.rsrc / PICT_61.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1997-10-23  |  107KB  |  816x1056  |  16-bit (514 colors)
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OCR: pim a Filter for only TEXT and 'rsrc' file types OpenDialog( "TEXTrsrc" var$ SaveDialog pathname$, prompt$ ) This function will allow the user tO select or enter filename in the Save File Dialog for later save operations. Once the user selects the SAVE button ir the dialog the string variable var$ will contain the pathname This variable will be empty (equals if the user canceled and no file was selected pathnames This should be string expression that contains the name of f the file that is to be used. if the file not located in the current default directory then yauust specify the directory path specification For example: Harddisk:MyFolder: :MyFile prompt$ This should be a text string value for the prompt in the Save File Dialog requesting the user to enter filename var LOF( FilelD This fu ...